Dental Implants in Atascadero, CA

A dental implant is basically a titanium post that is surgically placed by a dentist in an individual’s jawbone right below the gum line to aid in mounting and in the placement of the implant. The implants are not anchored to other teeth.

Implant Supported Bridges

The only difference between the regular and the implant-supported bridge is that the implant-supported bridge is backed up by the implant rather than the natural teeth. Mostly, when using implant supported bridge, each implant is mounted on the jawbone for every missing tooth. The crowns are later connected together to form one piece.

When To Use The An Implant-Supported Bridge

It can be used when a person wants to replace more than a single missing tooth. It could also be used when the dentist gets concerned with the pressure exerted on single implants which are not connected to each other. Activities such as grinding and clenching exert a lot of pressure on a single implant and this may increase chances of loosening and failing of the general bridges. The implant-supported bridges are designed to reduce pressure on an individual implant in the patient’s bone by spreading it across the bridge.

In cases where the implant is placed next to the natural teeth, the gums and the natural teeth are checked if they are in good health. If the person has less bone to support the implant, a supporting bone will be built using bone grafting or augmentation before the implant procedures are begun.

How The Bridges Supported Bridges Work.

A dentist may fail to place an implant in some sections of the mouth. In cases where the location may be very close to a sinus cavity or there is less bone that can support an implant, the dentist may avoid the region by placing the implants on both sides of the space. The implant-supported bridge is placed on top or made similar to the traditional bridge where the crown is suspended between the two implant supported crowns.

The implant-supported bridge is made up of;

a. An implant. It is surgically placed in your jawbone and is made of titanium. You can have each implant for every missing tooth. In other cases, the dentist can skip a space or more where there are fewer jawbones or when the space is close to the sinus cavity or the nerve.

b. The abutment. It is a cylinder made of porcelain, titanium or gold that is screwed on the implant. Before, some of the abutments
were attached to the implant by cement. Nowadays all the abutments are screwed using the screws. Abutments may be custom made or pre-fabricated by the dental lab.

c. The restoration. This is a series of connected crowns that form a bridge. They are made of porcelain and then attached and fused to a metal substructure.

How An Implant-Supported Bridge Differ From Tooth

Dental implants and the natural implants feel, look, and function in the same way as the natural teeth. The main differences are how they respond to dental diseases, the way they are attached to the bone surrounding them, their maintenance, and repair. The dental implants are fused directly into the bone while the natural teeth attach themselves to the surrounding using periodontal ligaments that are made up of the collagen fibres that join with the bone on one of the side and the tooth the other side.

There is a necessity of doing root canal therapy for the normal teeth and they are also prone to dental decay. Teeth can be susceptible to periodontal diseases while dental implants in another hand can be prone to peri-implantitis.

Caring For The Implant Supported Bridge.

You should clean the area between the bridge and the gum regularly. However, your dentist can recommend a small brush or special floss for cleaning. You may also treat the bridge the same way as natural teeth.
In case of any problem with the implant-supported bridge, you should feel free to consult with them. After the procedures are done, it is recommended that you schedule regular check-ups.

What The X-Ray Will Show.

The individual should see the implant placed in the bone and the bridge.

Possible Complications

There could be the risk of surgery or implant failure. Screws could also loosen or break. Crowns too may become loose or break.

What To Expect From The Implant.

The implant supported bridge feels more comfortable and secure than the removable partial denture that rests on your gums. You should normally and comfortably chew food. The bridge will also look like any other normal tooth.


If you’re ready for great dental care from a great dental team, contact CK Farr Dentistry in Atascadero, CA. Dr. Farr is eager to help you keep your mouth healthy in a low stress environment. To schedule an appointment, fill out our online form or call us at 805-461-3422.
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Atascadero Dental Office Hours

  • Monday 8:00-5:00
  • Tuesday 8:00-5:00
  • Wednesday 8:00-5:00
  • Thursday 7:00-4:00
  • Friday Closed

We are closed daily from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

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