
Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells that are made of porcelain and they are bonded to the front part of the tooth. The main purpose of dental veneers is to improve the appearance of the teeth. Veneers correct teeth that are worn, discoloured, malformed, and slightly misaligned or those that have spaces between them.

How They Work

A CKFarr dentist attaches the veneers to teeth using a filling material that creates a strong bond between the enamel of the tooth and the dental composite. Similar materials are normally used when creating a bond between the porcelain and the enamel. The bonding acts as a dental cement that holds the tooth and the veneer together.

Advantages Of Veneers

  • They give a natural look to the discoloured teeth.
  • The veneers do not stain easily.
  • Veneers are easily accommodated by gum tissues and have less effect on the gums of an individual
  • Veneers can be used in enhancing the colour of the teeth that have darker enamel.

Veneers should not be used when;

1. Teeth Needs To Be Straightened

Teeth that could have lost a significant amount due to decay, fracture, wear or those that might have large fillings might not be in the best position to get a dental veneer. This is because veneers will just improve the tooth’s appearance and not strengthen it. For this situation, crowns could be the best option.

2. Teeth with less enamel

Veneers stays in place when bonded to the enamel of the tooth because;

  • When the veneer is bonded to the enamel, the enamel will be the stronger one hence will absorb most of the force that will be exerted on the tooth.
  • When it is directly bonded to the dentin, the cover will be stiffer and most of the forces will be directed to it. This might cause the veneer to de-bond or fracture.

Little enamel could be caused in occasions such as tooth erosion, trauma, or tooth wear or due to previous dental placement.

3. When excessive forces are used

Individuals who grind their teeth or those who have bites using their front teeth usually come in contact with the ends of each other are not the best candidates for veneers. The force exerted can cause the veneers to crack, de-bond, or break; hence you should consult with the dentist before undertaking veneer procedure.


If you’re ready for great dental care from a great dental team, contact CK Farr Dentistry in Atascadero, CA. Dr. Farr is eager to help you keep your mouth healthy in a low stress environment. To schedule an appointment, fill out our online form or call us at 805-461-3422.
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Atascadero Dental Office Hours

  • Monday 8:00-5:00
  • Tuesday 8:00-5:00
  • Wednesday 8:00-5:00
  • Thursday 7:00-4:00
  • Friday Closed

We are closed daily from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Dental Office in Atascadero

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