What Are The Advantages Of Straightening Your Teeth With Invisalign?

Aligning teeth come with numerous benefits apart from giving you a beautiful smile. They are several Invisalign providers in Atascadero. Straightening teeth contribute a lot to the overall health of an individual. With Invisalign, an individual gets healthy and confident smile with reduced gum disease and tooth decay.

1. Healthier Gums and Teeth

Red or swollen gums might be a result of having widely spaced or crowded teeth. These conditions may also indicate periodontal diseases. Well-aligned teeth make the gums healthier and stronger hence they can fight against periodontal diseases. Invisalign braces help a person in comfortably aligning their teeth.

2. Easier To Clean

Removing all food residue that gets trapped in the metal wires in braces is very challenging. This may cause plague build up and later tooth decay. Invisalign braces are removable hence the patient can floss and brush their teeth twice daily.

3. Contributes To Overall Health

How your teeth and gums look when you smile say much about your general health. If a person is taking care of the both, probably he/she is also taking care of his/her body. Bacteria causes gum disease or tooth decay if left untreated. This may lead to bad breath, mouth tenderness or soreness or bleeding gums. Invisalign clear braces help in aligning teeth hence all the issues arising from an improper bite are solved.


If you’re ready for great dental care from a great dental team, contact CK Farr Dentistry in Atascadero, CA. Dr. Farr is eager to help you keep your mouth healthy in a low stress environment. To schedule an appointment, fill out our online form or call us at 805-461-3422.
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Atascadero Dental Office Hours

  • Monday 8:00-5:00
  • Tuesday 8:00-5:00
  • Wednesday 8:00-5:00
  • Thursday 7:00-4:00
  • Friday Closed

We are closed daily from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

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