Tooth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that aids in removing dental discoloration or stains that could be caused by beverages, medicine, or fluorides taken by an individual. Tooth whitening aims at improving the appearance of the individuals’ teeth. Tooth whitening is not done in a single procedure. The patient has to make several appointments to the dentist to maintain the white shade of the teeth for a prolonged period of time.
Teeth may discolor or stain due to the following reasons:
Some dental problems might delay the tooth whitening process. Cavities for instance, are usually cleaned before the teeth are whitened. Since the whitening solution might pass through the decayed areas and possibly reach the living parts of the tooth they have to be dealt with first. If the patients have receding gums or tooth decay, then tooth whitening might make their teeth more sensitive. Tooth whitening will not be done on porcelain or ceramic crowns or veneers.
Tooth whitening will be done in a dental clinic or at home. When done in the office, a photograph of your teeth will first be taken. The dentist will then ask you some questions to determine the causes of the stains and then he/she will send you to a dental hygienist who will remove food, bacteria, or any other substance that could have caused the teeth to discolor.
Our dentist can advise you on the best whitening gel that is suitable for you. He/she can also give you whitening strips or trays that will hold the gel to your teeth. The patient should, however, follow the dentist’s instruction to attain the desired results.
The CKFarr has several whitening procedures such as:
a. Vital whitening. This is done to the individuals who have live nerves on their teeth. The procedure involves the use of a powerful whitening gel. It could be done at home or in a dental office.
b. Non-vital cleaning. It is done for the teeth that have had root canal treatment. The dentist will use a procedure that will whiten your teeth from the inside.
Atascadero Dental Office Hours
We are closed daily from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.
Dental Office in Atascadero